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Slides: Finding Inspiration From Your Environment

Jan 15, 2009 1 Comment

In Novemenber 2008, I spoke at the Future of Web Design conference in New York City about Finding Inspiration From Your Environment. The conference went very well and I had a lot of fun during my stay in New York. Thanks to those who provied me with valuable feedbacks at the after party. If you’ve missed the event and are interested in viewing the presentation slides, you can see the embedded slides in this post (you can also download the slides via SlideShare). The conference video is available at the Carsonified website.

About The Presentation Slides

At the beginning, I showed two of my new illustrations and the process of making them (from sketch to final). Then I talked about where I find inpiration and how I keep my work/ideas fresh. At the end, I presented two examples on how you can create original work from various inspiring sources. If you’ve visited the conference and saw my presentation, please post your comments and feedbacks in this post.

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One Comment… +add yours?

  1. Feb 17, 2010 @ 09:27:14

    Weddings Fashion

    thats very informative, i have learn alot of it, thanks

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