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301 .htaccess Redirect

Sep 15, 2006 15,918 Comments

After the implementation of WordPress, some of the URLs and paths on this site have changed. To prevent getting 404 File Not Found error (traffic coming from links, bookmarks and search engines), I use .htaccess 301 redirect. Htaccess redirect is better than the meta refresh or redirect tag because there is no delay as the browser reads the .htaccess file first. Here is how it works.

Go to your site’s root folder, download the .htaccess file to your local computer and edit it with a plain-text editor (ie. Notepad). If you are using FTP Client software and you don’t see any .htaccess file on your server, double check your setting and make sure you have turn on invisible / system files.

To Redirect Certain Page(s):

Redirect 301 /oldpage.html http://www.yoursite.com/newpage.html
Redirect 301 /oldpage2.html http://www.yoursite.com/folder/

To Redirect Entire Site:

Redirect 301 / http://www.new-site.com/

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15,918 Comments… +add yours?

  1. Feb 03, 2010 @ 07:12:19


    Very useful tutorial, but maybe you could add more methods for 301 redirect …

  2. Feb 17, 2010 @ 09:52:09

    Weddings Fashion

    man i even can understand the function of httaccess :)

  3. Feb 17, 2010 @ 09:52:43

    Weddings Fashion

    sorry i want to say “man i even can’t understand the function of httaccess :)

  4. Feb 21, 2010 @ 12:40:30

    euro sport news

    Thank you for this useful turtorial. As others i think you can put more example about .htaccess.

    Good works.